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A Small Insight

For the past few days I have been working on a new diorama (using the kit room) . . . my "Paris Studio Apartment" . . . and I have almost completed the Holland Blinds for the two windows. I still need to add either a ring or tassel to the bottom of the blind . . . however, I haven't made up my mind which will look better.

Of course no studio apartment would be complete without a number of cushions for added comfort. Quite a bit of sewing needed here, but these are now finished and ready to go.

It also required a bookshelf . . . so I used the plastic one from my IKEA Huset set and glued on a painted Crocodile board back panel to give it a fresh look.

Next I made some canvases to hang on the walls (using pictures found on Pinterest) which reflect the colours used throughout this diorama.

I'm still painting new furniture and sourcing final bits 'n' pieces, but it shouldn't be long before I can show you the completed diorama. I hope you like what I've shown you so far.

Just in case you're wondering, the room colours are based on the triadic scheme used in the fabric which I chose to use for the blinds.


  1. Hola Xanadu, me encantan los elementos del diorama que nos has enseñado, así como los colores que has elegido. Estoy deseando verlo completo. Me parece que tienes que disfrutar mucho con un trabajo tan encantador.

    Espero que tú y tu familia estéis bien de salud. La situación en Europa por el Covid es muy preocupante, espero que esta pesadilla pase pronto. Jugar con las muñecas en casa es ahora una gran ayuda.


    1. Querido Illona,
      Gracias por nuestros encantadores comentarios sobre mi diorama. Disfruto mucho haciéndolo.

      Estamos casi de vuelta a la normalidad, o lo más cerca posible de la normalidad en estos tiempos de Covid. Vemos en las noticias lo terribles que son las cosas en Europa y nos preocupa que muchos países no estén sufriendo las restricciones con la suficiente fuerza. Estuvimos en un bloqueo duro durante 112 días y no hemos tenido nuevos casos de Covid o muertes durante 14 días.

      Oro para que todas mis amigas muñecas se queden en casa y cuando necesiten salir, usen sus máscaras y se mantengan a una distancia segura de los demás. Tenemos suerte de tener nuestras muñecas para ocuparnos y mantenernos cuerdos.
      Grandes abrazos,

  2. Qué bonito te va a quedar me gusta mucho todo lo que estás haciendo, tengo muchas ganas de verlo terminado.
    Nosotros estamos todos bien, yo apenas salgo de casa, ahora estoy haciendo un implante capilar a una de mis Nancys.

    1. Gracias Maribel, no debería tardar mucho, ya casi he terminado.

      Estoy tan contenta de que estés bien. Creo que tener algo en lo que ocuparnos ayuda a que los días pasen rápido. No nos aventuramos mucho durante el encierro, solo para pasear a nuestro perro en el parque al otro lado de la calle de nuestra casa.

      Estoy seguro de que tu Nancy se verá hermosa una vez que hayas completado su cabello. Las muñecas no son tan atractivas cuando son calvas. :) Espero verla con nuevos cabellos.
      Grandes abrazos,

  3. These is looking *so* good! I love the colour scheme that you chose honestly. Can't wait to see it finished!

    1. Thank you Musume. This combination of colours would also look pretty in a pastel version, especially for Kawaii fashion dolls. :)
      Big hugs,

  4. Ooh, those little cushions are adorable! I'm sure they are really comfy. The blinds look cute as well, and the bookshelf is simply perfect. I can't wait to see the whole diorama, all the parts you showed so far are great!

    1. Thank you Chiriann, I was fortunate to have everything on hand. The windows didn't look like they suited the Paris Studio Apartment so I had to think of a way to disguise them. I'm pleased you like them and it shouldn't be long now. :)
      Big hugs,

  5. Bookshelf looks great that was a very good idea. And I love the canvas.

  6. Lovely progress! I like the back panel for the IKEA book case, it's an idea I might adopt for a human sized one. I am looking forward to see the result!

    1. Thanks Mia. One good thing about the bookcase being plastic, is it will be easy to take off the Crocodile board back should I ever need to change the colour.
      Big hugs,

  7. Hi Sandi. Those cushions look very cute and the Paris themed fabric is awesome. Sure you're having a lot of fun making this beautiful diorama.
    Greetings ^^

    1. Thank you so much Lily. Oh I am, it's really nice being able to occupy oneself with something creative during this pandemic . . . keeps my mind off things that can be quite depressing.
      Big hugs,

  8. It is looking good! Love the colors and the details. Pinterest has a lot of things to print out! The pillows look so cozy!

    1. Thank you Niina, I've been a bit slack lately so I still have some work to finish.
      Big hugs,


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