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Dolly Thoughts

I sometimes find myself wondering how we all became so involved with dolls, and why each of us are drawn to different types of dolls. I mean, some people like to collect antique dolls made of porcelain, some like the vintage dolls from the 1950's and 60's in either plastic or vinyl, some prefer baby dolls while other prefer fashion dolls, some like to specialise and only collect Patsy, Nancy or Barbie dolls. Others will only collect BJD's, or limit their collections to anime dolls.

Where as me, I never intended to collect dolls at all. I really mean NOT EVER! I was a teddy bear collector all my life! I had spent sixteen years designing, teaching and making teddy bears the traditional way, by hand. Looking back, I cannot remember exactly how the doll collecting all began now, but if my recollections are correct, I can blame it all on Blythe and the few lessons I took to learn how to customise them.

That initial purchase of a single Blythe doll, turned into twenty seven, many of which I customised and sold on, keeping just two.

One was my beautiful Amaya, customised by Kate Hardin of Chantilly Lace in 2012. Kate also used the names Moofers and Moofala. Amaya was the first chocolate coloured Blythe I had seen and close to my last Blythe purchase. I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her. The dress and cardi she is wearing in these photos, is a replacement outfit which I received in a swap and the hat I made for her.

The other Blythe is the Petit Dejeuner Champs Elysees who sat in her box for so long I had forgotten about her until recently. As you already know, I am currently working on her and as I am really happy with her progress, I shall probably keep her. Now that in itself, presents another dilemma. I don't usually like to have even numbers of a particular doll, so maybe, just maybe, I will add another to make them a trio. :)

For some unknown reason, I seem to progress from one type of doll to another, which means my collection is very eclectic and most of the time, I find it hard to part with any of them. However, there are some exceptions. I took quite a fancy to the Disney Animator dolls for  a little while, but they just take up far too much shelf space, so those are disappearing from my collection slowly (much too slowly for my liking). It's not that I dislike them, I don't, I still think they are cute and they are a good size to knit and sew for, but I really need to make way for my latest compulsion, which at approximately seven inches, are really quite tiny in comparison.

Do you ever wonder what it is that other collectors see in the dolls they collect? Help me out here girls, what is it about your own collection that reeled you in hook line and sinker? Why do you collect the dolls that you do? I'd really love for you to tell your stories and I think everyone else who reads my blog, would enjoy reading about how you began your journey into the wide world of dolls. :)


  1. Not all dolls were shown on my blog, and I collect different ones. I don't have enough room in the room, but I don't have the heart to sell dolls. Hugs

    1. Hi Lenka!
      Perhaps when you have time you can share more of your dolls on your blog, I'm sure we would all love to see the different dolls you collect. I understand the need for having a room the size of a warehouse, it's something I aspire to. LOL! I have a friend who is fortunate enough to actually live on a farm and has installed several old portable school rooms to house her collection . . . it's sight to be seen!! :)
      Big hugs,

  2. I enjoyed reading about how you got into dolls. I actually would have never guessed that you had never intended to fall down this rabbit hole of doll collecting!

    I guess we all have different tastes and are drawn to different things which is why many of us have different types of doll collections. I admit, my serious collecting of dolls really began with bjds. Before that, I had bought Star Wars dolls and some Disney Princess dolls and Xena dolls because they were pretty but it was a casual thing back then. When I discovered the existence of bjds back in 2005/2006 but couldn't afford them until 2009, that was about when I seriously started collecting them. My intention was to only collect bjds. I had no interest in other doll lines for a while until I discovered the Pullip through a Youtube vlogger and Integrity Toys through a blogger on here. The rest as they say is history. I do sometimes look at all my different doll collections and wish I had stuck to one or two to be honest. They take up a lot of space and I can't even leave them to my children as I have none.

    For me, I see stories when I look at my dolls. I have so many stories in my head and so many characters that it's nice to be able to shell them in doll form. That's my creative outlet, creating their characters, bringing them to life in photos and outfits and hairstyles.

    What a great topic! Looking forward to read everyone else's stories.

    1. Yes, it's a strange state of affairs, whoever would have thought and more to the point I have a husband who has coped with it all and that's something I would never have seen happening. :)

      It's nice to know others go through cycles and collect different dolls as they progress through the years. I too like to tell stories with my dolls, but it's mostly with my BJD's and fashion dolls that I actually endow the dolls with a real character. Though I am probably not as serious about it as you are Alasse. My play dolls are given names. but I just like to do photo stories without too much detail.

      I do enjoy re-styling a doll, and customising them when I have the inspiration and energy to do so.

      I'm pleased you are enjoying this topic, I imagine the other stories will be interesting reading.
      Big hugs,

  3. Hola Xanadú, me encanta tu propuesta.
    Yo empecé a coleccionar las muñecas de mi infancia, algunos bebés y Nancy, que es mi muñeca favorita. En principio, sólo me interesaba, esas. Con Nancy, llegó todo su mundo: su novio Lucas y su hermanita Lesly. Y además empezaron a llegar algunas otras chicas del mismo tamaño, que pudieran compartir ropa con Nancy y pudieran ser sus amigas y posar juntas en las fotos. Pero ocurrió que conocí a Ellowyne Wilde y aunque no es de la misma escala de Nancy también me enamoró, y tengo 5 Ellowyne. Y Sindy, porque me parece encantadora, pero sólo tengo una.
    No me interesan las Barbies, y procuro no dispersarme en más muñecas, pero si encuentro alguna que sea del tamaño de Nancy, la acogeré en casa: Juanita Pérez, Noa Doll, Vidal Rojas, etc... Me gustan las muñecas grandes, las pequeñas como Barbie no me interesan, a excepción de Sindy.
    Espero leer las historias de otras coleccionistas, todas estas experiencias me parecen muy interesantes.
    (Por cierto, yo también tuve dos Disney Animator que finalmente vendí. Me parecen muñecas preciosas pero son demasiado grandes para mi colección, aunque a veces las hecho de menos y me arrepiento de haberlas vendido, jajaja...)

    1. Hola Ilona,
      Todo esto me parece muy interesante. Por lo tanto, la mayoría de las muñecas que recolectas tienen un tamaño determinado para crear una familia con amigos, excepto algunas. Me encantaría ver a tu Ellowyne Wilde, he sido tentada por ella, pero hasta ahora he podido resistirme. :)
      Las barbies tampoco me interesan, pero disfruto de mis muñecas de moda Integrity Toy. También me encantan mis muñecas españolas. Espero no arrepentirme de haber vendido mis Animadores Disney cuando ya no están.
      Grandes abrazos,

  4. As a child I had lots of Barbie dolls and I loved them. I never stopped loving them but as I grew I stopped playing with them and getting them as gifts. Even before I started collecting, I used to look into the Barbie page to see the newer dolls.

    What got me into collecting was Monster High. I loved the concept of the classic monsters reimagined as teens. Plus, my partner also seem to enjoy them and encouraged me to buy my first Monster High doll (Signature Robecca Steam). I love the detail they put in the dollsWhen the Life in the Dreamhouse dolls were released I got Midge and then a couple of the Style Luxe Barbies and here we are today.

    I mostly collect playline dolls, with a few collector Barbie dolls. To be honest, the main reason why I don't collect other types of dolls is money. If I had a bigger budget I would get into other types of dolls aswell. I can't re-sell dolls, I have some weird attachment to material things.
    The other reason why I don't buy certain dolls (even when I had more budget) is that I like simple things. I don't like the frenzy to be at a certain time in front of my computer because they'll sell out quickly, or making an extra effort to get a hard to find doll. I like my dolls being easy to find at a local store or on Amazon.

    If I could buy other types of dolls, I would like to get lots of Barbie dolls from the 90s and even the early 00s. One of my holly grails would be Hollywood Hair Teresa. I would also like to get at least one Poppy Parker doll and a Pullip.Long time ago I balanced the possibilty of getting an Agatha Primrose from Tonner, but when I made up my mind it wasn't avaliable anymore. The list could go on, but I think you get the idea.

    Hope you're staying safe and healthy.

    1. Hi MC, now those are two dolls I don't have in my collection, but I really enjoy seeing what other people do with them. It's interesting you have completed the circle and are back to playing with the same doll you first found interesting.

      At your stage in life you will naturally have other priorities for you money, it's only when you have paid off your mortgage that you have more money for dolls, unless you have a rich hubby or were lucky enough to be born into wealth. So don't worry, your time will come when you can buy any doll you want. :)

      I didn't realise that Poppy and Pullip were of interest to you . . . and Agatha Primrose was always a grail doll for me too, but she didn't seem to stick around for long, as far as I can tell they only brought out a couple of different ones. It's a pity because she looked great and was very different from other dolls at the time. Perhaps one day we will both find one. :)
      Big hugs,

  5. Hello Sandi,

    When I was a child I didn't like dolls, the only one I liked was Nancy and I still have my two Nancy dolls from my childhood. Though I didn't play with them, I only wanted them displayed on a shelve, just like they are now and never thought about collecting dolls until I discovered BJD's.

    Like you might know, I began to collect BJD's in 2009, though I knew about them a couple years earlier because I saw them displayed in a Manga and Anime convention. At first I didn't like them, I found them pretty weird and ugly until a friend of mine shown me a photo of Ducan, from Dream of Doll. Then was when I wished to collect these dolls and the first one came in late 2009. I found them very interesting to photograph and this how I began to be more interested in photography. I couldn't stop purchasing clothes and other accessories for my dolls until I got tired of those expenses a few years later. Though I have lost my inspiration to photograph them, I still love them and enjoy seein them around in my room and sometimes I change their clothes and shoes.

    I have also collected Monster High, I found them very colourful and original and I have always loved monster characters so I found the concept very funny. And the dolls have joints, so I think they are perfect to photograph in different poses. Now I have a beautiful and colourful collection of 28 MH dolls. Then came Ever After High dolls, which body and joints are pretty similar to MH, but I only loved two of them and they're the only ones I have.

    Currently I'm not as interested in dolls as collector. Sometimes I thing about getting a couple of Barbies, the Made to Move ones, but now my full attention goes to Nendoroid and some Marvel action figures, but this is another subject. I still love my dolls and it's not in my plans to sell any of my dolls, no matter if they don't get my full attention anymore because those chibi and action figures are perfect to photograph.

    Greetings ^^

    1. Hi Lily,
      I didn't realise you owned Nancy dolls although I have been reading your blog for some years now. However, I do know the feeling of the hobby being overshadowed by all it's additional expenses like clothing etc., and sometimes I feel those actual items themselves can swamp you too. I have so many clothes/shoes/wigs that I simply don't use any more.

      It's nice to know that even though your current interest is held by the Nendoroids, you still have your original collection and you still love them. :)
      Big hugs,

  6. I'm goingto sound like a trip to the shrink. When I was a kid my parents showed their affection by giving us stuff (even now I see my Mum for a couple of hours a year because she's "busy" and she throws money (that I don't want) at us instead) and a lot of the stuff was dolls.
    As I got older, this turned into me buying myself dolls whenever I felt down.
    Most of the dolls I buy or like are either dolls that I think child me would have liked, or dolls that inspire stories in my head.

    1. That must have been quite difficult to cope with as a child Rachael and I can see it's left it's mark. However, you seem to have identified the problem, and are coping with it now via the dolls and if the dolls help, that's got to be a good thing. :)
      Big hugs,

  7. Oooh, that's a tough question... As you know, my collection is pretty eclectic too, because I just can't concentrate on one thing - one hobby, one type of dolls, one type of books or games... It probably started with few action figures, but they weren't really "action", so I stopped collecting them (they were game-related, so maybe everything started with anime&video games?). And after that I discovered BJD (on DeviantArt - I still remember the first doll I saw). It took me some time to get all the information I needed and collect enough money ;) aaaand then I bough my first. And second. And third... After buying the seventh I had the feeling that I don't need more of them. All of them are characters from one of my stories about World of the Seas.
    But while I didn't want another BJD, after some time I started to think about other types of dolls - smaller and more affordable. I never really considered Barbies because of their lack of mobility - and just at that time the first Made to Move appeared. The rest is a history ;)
    I also have three Descendants dolls, three Ever After dolls and just recently started to collect nendoroids. So it's back to figures again, I think... where everything started.

    1. That makes me wonder what star sign you are Chiriann? :)

      Stories seem to play quite a large part in doll collecting, which means many of us have pretty active imaginations and we are probably all dreamers at heart.

      The introduction of the MTM Barbies and the move away from the original blue eyed blonde was the best move Mattel ever made as far as I can tell, because even I have been tempted by some of the later ones and that's a big leap for me!! So I understand how they have made a home at your place. :)

      I don't think I have seen your Decendants dolls, send me a link if you have one. And so you have come full circle, that's interesting, I wonder if it will continue?
      Big hugs,

  8. Hello! This was an interesting post and the thought has popped up here too, but never so deep. Are looking at my collection and there are all kinds. Monster High, BJD’s, LaLaloopsy, a tiny Blythe and L.O.L dolls. Then I have Pureneemos and of course my eyes wander over to other kinds of dolls too.

    In the early days I had Barbies and Sindy dolls. It was later on I started to look at BJD’s. I like that these dolls have so many movable joints and are posable. And you can change them through wigs, eyes, face ups and so on. Monster highs I bought just to practice face ups. Other wise I always fall for cute, soft faces and big eyes or elf ears. Some dolls I have bought on a trip, as a souvenir.

    I think that we collect the dolls we collect, because just these appeal to us and maybe the dolls even reflect something for us too. Maybe we collect some dolls for childhood memories, historical value or just for decoration.


    1. Hi Niina!
      Yes I can see your passion for cute, soft faces, big eyes and elf ears when I see your dolls.

      Who would have though you would also be among those who have progressed through so many different dolls, but you have and as long as you have enjoyed the journey, all is well in the end. :)
      Big hugs,

  9. Probably a logical step for an illogical person to take Linda, but it's made me happy and I don't worry about people not understanding anymore. I don't think our hobby of collecting dolls is any more nutty than any other . . . have you ever watched "American Pickers"?

    Yes, nostalgia is a common cause and I am pleased to read you have journeyed through waves of different collections. I know it makes sense to sell those we don't "play with" any longer, but I find it very difficult, so I admire your strength in being able to do so.

    I guess it's only natural our interest in other dolls will grow over time otherwise the doll manufacturers wouldn't keep bringing out more dolls to tempt us. LOL! Having the space is the key to owning an ever growing collection, but for most of us it's only a dream, my friend is a lucky one who made her dream come true. :)
    Big hugs,

  10. Xanadu, for me it is about the clothes. When I read books as a girl about vintage eras, I was always intrigued by descriptions of what the characters wore, and even the making of them, if that was in the story. I hand sewed costumes for my dolls with no sewing experience and rudimentary patterns. I also liked acting out those vintage stories from books with my dolls, never modern times.

    When I first started getting into collecting dolls seriously as an adult, at first I wanted to stick to my favorite vintage styles. I've gradually added modern looks, but there's always a place for my favorite vintage eras too. Although I struggle at times with energy, sewing clothes for my dolls is a huge part of collecting them, and even though all my dolls don't get detailed stories, they almost all develop a personality in my head.

    1. Hi Barb!
      So are you saying you had a costume in mind before you purchased a doll?

      I understand you enjoy sewing, and that you like sewing costumes featured in vintage storybooks, but surely there was a certain type of doll that you preferred to make a period costume for, whether it be vintage or modern? Do you prefer to sew for larger dolls like 18" AG's or smaller dolls?

      Personally I prefer to use a sewing machine for larger dolls, but I love hand sewing more so I tend to sew more for my smaller dolls. :) I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this.
      Big hugs,

    2. No, I never had anything in mind when I bought a doll, besides an idea of where she would fit into a loose story I had for them. When I first starting collecting, I only had Barbies. This was before the internet, and collectible dolls in the magazines and at the one doll store were beyond my price range and seemed like they were only for display.

      I don't know that I have a type of doll that I prefer to sew for, at the moment. Then again, I haven't done nearly as much sewing for my dolls as I would like, with one thing and another.

      I enjoy hand sewing too, but I'm not good at sewing seams, and I'm a perfectionist who doesn't want to have a lot of seam gapping, so I use the machine as much as I can. When I try sewing something for my little Cu-Poche dolls, who are 110mm, that will definitely be hand sewn! I also want to make my hand sewing stitches better. I finally found my book Left-Handed Sewing; I couldn't find it for a few months.

    3. I didn't realise you were left handed Barb, I suppose that could make it difficult to do hand sewing, but I'm sure if you persevere your hand sewn seams will improve. It took me a while to control my galloping stitches, you know where you start off with a tiny stitch and gradually find yourself with a stitch traversing a fabric canyon. Now, after 16 years hand sewing teddies, I can honestly say my tiny stitches come naturally. :)

  11. I loved this post. It was so great to read about how it happened with your doll collection. :)

    I had Barbies when I was a kid. Then I was "to old" for dolls and I gave them away. I left only one, but I forgot about her.

    And then I started sewing, for the porcelain doll at first. I started to read about doll collectors and different types of dolls. And bought one or two dolls. And another. And one more. I discovered Tonner dolls. And that's how it all started.

    Dolls I have are so different. Barbies, Tonner, BJD, Disney Animators (tiny ones), and many, many other types. I don't have a big collection, but it is very eclectic. ;)

    1. Me too Joanna, it's been so nice reading about how we all found and became addicted to this dolly hobby. :)

      I imagined being the keen seamstress that you are, you would need a fairly good variety of dolls to use as your models, but that doesn't mean you have to have a huge collection. As long as the collection you have makes you happy, that's all that really matters.
      Big hugs,

  12. Oooh an interesting post and interesting answers. I was never really into dolls much as a child, although I did have Sindy, Paul, Patch and one Barbie (Paul, Patch and that one Barbie are still here). But for me it started with dollshouses and miniatures, I was very much into those at one time and then just before we moved to Spain, I went to a doll shop and my husband bought me a porcelain baby doll dressed as a little Indian. After that I managed to fit in a small doll show and I bought a slightly older toddler doll, again in porcelain. I brought those two with me to Spain and they were on display but I realised that I really didn't like porcelain because of the horrible squeaky noise it made when you moved the limbs plus they were part fabric, something that I've never really liked on a doll.
    Then once we were settled here in Spain I started to surf the internet more as I had more time on my hands. I bought some vinyl dolls including some Natterers, and big girls including a few Himstedt dolls. But then I discovered the Denver Doll Emporium yahoo group and finally saw BJDs for the first time, this would have been in early 2006 I think. At first I didn't like them, I thought the joints were ugly and that I'd never be able to see past them....but then I saw Narsha by Dollmore and fell instantly in love with her photos on the Dollmore website and that was it for me. I fell completely in love with BJDs!!! Over the years I have diversified into other dolls such as Sashas and Helen Kish dolls but my first love will always be my BJDs....and of course Narsha is still here :) She will be 14 in August!!!!
    Apart from that, I still occasionally buy dolls that just appeal to me. I do sometimes regret that I diversified from BJDs because I just don't have the room for so many different dolls but I can't seem to part with some of them, despite the fact that I don't do a lot with them. I still love to walk into my doll room and see them sitting there, they just give me comfort I suppose.
    Big hugs and take care, Sharon xxxx
    PS Love that Blythe, she's gorgeous.

    1. I don't think I have ever had quite as detailed comments from my readers on any other post and I have so enjoyed reading all the replies.

      Porcelain dolls with soft bodies are not my thing either, but I still have two in my collection. I think once you have retired, you can finally begin to enjoy the rewards of your working life and I'm assuming that's what the move to Spain did for you. It's funny you should mention Narsha, I still have mine and so does Niina!

      I understand your feelings about the BJD's, but they are expensive and becoming more so each year, so I guess becoming diversified satisfies the dolly craving without too much expense, well it does for me anyway. I still love all mine and like you, I admire them every time I enter my doll room.
      Big hugs,

  13. What a great topic!
    I know as a child I loved playing in my room with my dolls. The 2 things I longed for was more dresses and more doll beds! I always put ALL my dolls and plushies to bed every night.

    Years and years later I had never really thought about dolls. I had one china baby put away because my grandmother hand painted her. THEN! I had my first child and when she was 8 we got her an American Girl Doll - just one. I wasn't going to go crazy like some moms I knew. Well, I went crazy. We started a blog and then I started finding dolls in thrift stores and fixing them up.

    Now I have dolls from all eras. I have 1930's Patsy dolls on down to American Girl Dolls. I definitely have an eclectic collection. My interests flow from one doll to another, but they ALL have beds and I have dressers FULL of doll dresses. HA!

    I guess you could say I am fulfilling a longing from my childhood. I'm OK with that.


    1. Thanks Brenda. :) Isn't it funny how just the purchase of a single doll can lead to the many we all have accumulated now? I too have lots of doll clothes, many of which I have made myself. I don't have as many doll beds as you, but I do have a few, and a beautiful antique cradle which my hubby purchased for me several years ago.
      Big hugs,


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