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Curious About Colours

I've been sorting out my wool and trying to decide which colours to keep and which to ditch. This got me wondering, when it comes to your dolls, which colours you prefer to dress them in?


Pastels always make me think of macarons, you know those yummy, yummies you have with a latte!


Light brights are wonderful summer colours, the type that make you think of sun, sea and sand.


Fairly basic and mostly primary colours, but they are very cheery and probably remind me most of Christmas.


There's nothing more subdued than old Victorian decor! Some shades almost border on dusty, but I find the colours very calming.


For some reason the dusty colours always remind me of Mia, possibly because she uses many of these colours when she sews for her dolls. 


Of course neutrals are what were featured on Emma in my previous post.


  1. Hmm, it's really hard to tell. It depends on the doll, I guess. Some of them look better in bright, even strong bright colours, while others... not so much. While I have strong preferences for myself (absolutely no pastels ever :D), my dolls have more freedom ;)

    1. I guess it does to some degree. I'm surprised you don't like pastels, but each of us are different.
      Big hugs,

    2. Oh, I like them on others (I absolutely love pastels on dolls), but in any pastel clothes I look like a giant marshmallow, so I tend to avoid them ;)

    3. 🤣 I had a cream coat and always thought I looked like the Michelin Tyre Man when I wore it! Needless to say it went to the charity shop.

  2. I love colors so, of course, I loved this post. I know that color has a theory, which I understand, but when I mix colors I use more my intuition than theory.

    1. That's all well and good, but what about your dolls MC, what colours do they prefer to wear?
      Big hugs,

  3. This made me laugh! You know I am a fan of the dusty color palette :). I like the neutrals too. And you are right, pastels somehow remind of sweets. When I was a kid, we used to buy sweets that looked like little UFOs, edible pastel paper with sherbert powder inside, 5 cents a piece - in exactly those colors.

    1. Hehehe! Oh I remember them Mia, I think the outer was a type of rice paper. We also had sherbert bombs which had a pink hard candy shell which was about 2mm thick, but I didn't like them as much.
      I like neutrals too, do you wear them yourself? I'm going through a phase right now of soft light tans, cognac, mushroom and lots of cream.
      Big hugs,

    2. :D you mean those that colored your tongue pink? It's fun to remember what little things made us happy as kids. My own wardrobe consists mostly of olive green, all shades of black and grey, the occasional violet and petrol and lots of multicolored spots from working with color. And all my pants have legs in two different colors. My personal spleen, I have been making and wearing those pants since I was about 20. When I move to a new neighborhood it doesn't take long and I am the woman with the weird pants :D. Congnac, mushroom and cream - do you have red hair?

    3. Yep those are the ones. I like to see you in those pants, I reckon they'd be a great way to make friends! Not at present, but it has beeen in the past, along with pink, blue, purple and all shades of blond. 😂

  4. Hi Sandi,
    I don't really have a favorite, but I usually go with the pastels mainly so they don't stain the dolls. I seem to go in streaks as to what color I am attracted to. Lately it seems to be blues and aqua.
    Dolly Hugs,

    1. Hi Dorian,
      Yes I can understand that, unfortunately many dolls get stains on them, particularly from black and red clothes. I think it's good to follow your heart when it comes to ones own clothes, if you like a particular colour and wear it, it tends to makes you feel better.
      Big hugs,

  5. I'm attracted to brights the most, possibly because jewel tones look best on me personally. I also go for my favorite color, which is blue, or adjacent colors, purple and green.

    1. Yes, I can see you in blue, purple or green Barb, but your dolls seem to be in quite a variety of colours, so it was difficult for me to determine if you had a preference. Now I know. 😂
      Big hugs,

    2. My dolls that come in stock clothes wear all kinds of colors, but when I enter the fabric section or the yarn aisles, I gravitate towards those jewel colors the most. I have done stuff in different colors to match seasons, though.

  6. Hi Linda! Me too, and athough I probably love some (pastels and dusty) more than others I surprised myself when I looked at all the things I had made, so many were quite bright. I wonder if my subconscious mind is telling me something?? LOL!
    I think your Sashas would love pastels...can't wait to see them dressed this way.
    Big hugs,

  7. Hello there! :) I always thought it would be pastels all over my dolls, all dolls. But that is not the case, though. Some dolls look much better in darker, almost Christmassy colors and others prefer those neon 80's colors. Or maybe it is my mood reflecting to the dolls. Who knows. But one thing I think is funny - I have always said that I like pink, yellow and green...but end up looking at all things beige. :D
    Big hugs!

    1. Hi Niina!
      I have thought that might be the case, mood can surely influence your choices, even subconsciously. Oh that's definitely funny. 🤣
      Big hugs,


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