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The Little Kidz

My models today are Elli and Grete both Gotz Little Kidz and the latest additions to the fold, although they have been with me for almost a month now. As we have been enduring lockdown #5 (which ended midnight Tuesday), I have been passing the time knitting for them both and this is their second set of clothes.

Once again, I have used patterns from Jacqueline Gibb (orange skirt) and Peggy Stuart (aqua turtle neck) combined with my own. If you are a member of Ravelry you will probably recognise their names and their patterns, if not and you knit, go join! If you don't knit and you'd like to, go join!

These photos were an experiment in composition. I still haven't decided whether I like them or not. What about you, do you like to offset your subject when taking photos?

The last two portraits show how beautiful the Gotz doll faces are. I know play dolls are not for everyone, but I am quite enamoured with these little dolls. But as always, I need a third and preferably a redhead with green eyes (Gotz, I hope you are reading this!)

I have a feeling these dolls will be with me for a very, very long time. If you had to select just one doll from your collection to keep forever, which doll would choose, and why?


  1. Now you have sealed my decision! I have been looking at the mini gotz brunette you have here for ages thinking do I really need her ! But I love her face also in the big version so I can see this lass now being my next addition to the family.
    Hopefully it wont set me on a slippery slope to more!
    I love the two outfits you have made them and also your backdrop. But picking just one doll whon will stay forever that would be every hard... I made need at least a dozen.... lol

    1. I'm very pleased you are taking the plunge Dee, you won't regret it, they are addictive though. LOL!
      Thank you, knitting is very relaxing and a good pastime for winter. I have many backdrops as I find it difficult to take photos outdoors at ground height . . . once down, I need help to get up!
      Big hugs,

  2. The outfits are adorable! I hope you made it through the umpteenth lockdown enjoying the craft-time. The results are very pretty. And I have the same background :)

    1. Thanks Mia, I think we were posting comments one each other posts at the same time. 🤣 Yeah, I doubt it will be the last though. Fancy that, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised . . . great minds often think alike! 😉
      Big hugs,

  3. Your girls and their outfits are adorable, and I like the photos too. My absolute favorite and the one I have the most of are the 10" Tonner Ann Estelle and Friends dolls. I wouldn't be able to take just one, but maybe on of each - Ann, Sophie, Georgia, Gracie and Michale. The Gotz dolls have wonderful faces, so tempting, but alas there is no more room :)

    1. Thank you Dorian. I guess choosing just one is going to be a big challenge for all of us, but I do know what you mean. I do wish I could see your chosen group all together, maybe one day? 🥺

      Yes, they do and I keep saying that too, but somehow I manage to squeeze another one in. 🤣
      Big hugs,

  4. Your dolls look adorable. I used to be a Ravelry member, but I am no longer welcome on that site.

    1. Thanks Barb, they know it and are looking very pleased with themselves. Oh dear, that is sad, whatever did you do to deserve that?
      Big hugs,

  5. Such gorgeous outfits! And they go so well with the background too :)! Your girls look lovely, especially the brunette :)
    Choosing one doll would be very, very hard, but if I really had to, that would be my Angell Studio Hua Xi. He's my favourite doll since day he came and that didn't change through the years ;)

    1. Thank you Chiriann. I find it funny that most of my readers like her the best as I prefer the blonde. 😂
      Well that doesn't surprise me, he's a cutie.
      Big hugs,

  6. I read about the lockdown in the news and the Deltaversion is creeping nearer and nearer. We just hope that we get through it. Dolls and hobbies are a great way to pass the time and your new dresses for these girls are adorable.
    It is one hard question, which doll to keep. I have many favorites. I would want to keep them all. But Genevieve, my cat doll with her long legs and huge chest is one I saved for and waited for a long time. She is the grail. The one. Too awesome to just let go.

    1. When I posted this we had just got over #5, now we are back in lockdown #6 and I don't know how soon this one will end the Delta version is so hard to avoid. I don't know how I would be feeling now if I didn't have my hobbies to pass the time.
      Genevieve is a gorgeous doll and has always been a favourite of yours, so I am not surprised she is the one you would keep.
      Big hugs,

  7. Ellie and Grete are pretty girls and look lovely in the two outfits you have made them.

    Choosing one doll would be very hard, I love each of them. But I think that would be my Dollzone Floy, he was my first BJD.

    Greetings ^^

    1. Thanks, they are a wonderful size to knit for. I like him and understand your feelings for your first BJD, I will never sell my Fairyland Littlefee Ante.
      Big hugs,


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