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Photo Editing

I wonder how many of you use a photo editing program and which one you use. This is something I haven't done for such a long time and there are so many programs to choose from now, I hardly know where to begin. I have looked at Photoshop in the past, but unless one is using it extensively, it seems an expensive way to manipulate the odd photo or two.

So today when I went looking for something that would allow me to remove the background from a photo I had taken, then replace it with a digital background. I came across THIS ADOBE PROGRAM which helped me produce the following photo.

I realise it's not perfect, but it was fun and I'd like to try making a few more of these types of photos using some more digital backgrounds once my blue Resinsoul doll gets here. Can you imagine how she would look against these backdrops?

I did another one because I wanted to try a doll sitting on a swing and it worked out okay.



  1. Interesting photo idea. The doll is strolling in a beautiful forest💗 I use the GIMP program.

    1. I thought so Inesa. When you are my age it's difficult to take photos in interesting places like the young ones do, so this is a great substitute for making interesting shots. I downloaded GIMP, but it's more complicated than I expected. This program is really easy and simple for me to understand and use . . . I'm not as tech savvy as I used to be. 😊
      Big hugs,

  2. I've never used digital backdrops in my photos. Would love to give it a try but not very good with these sorts of things and too impatient to get things done! But maybe one day x

    1. I hadn't tried it before Dee and this program is really easy to use, you should give it a try sometime, I think you could do it.
      Big hugs,


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