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Once there Was Two, then Three, now there's Five

We are not going to have anymore arrive, five mischievous little Wichtels is enough for anyone to handle.

Gretel (Rosi), Heidi (Lea ), Liesel (Fiona), Freida (keeping her name) and Renata (Paula)

Today, apart from unboxing Frieda and Renata, I have been busy changing eyes in a some of my dolls, that of course led to wig changes. The result of doing that has made me realise I don't need so many wigs, so I'm going to sell them.

Of course I'll have to sort them all out into sizes and make sure everything is labeled correctly.  I have no idea how many I have that are in the wrong packaging/boxes or how they managed to get so mixed up and I know just looking at this big box, it's going to take me a while. 🙄

Hope you are all enjoying your quiet time in the sunshine! 


  1. Replies
    1. Yes RM you most definitely do!! Maybe even more than just one???
      Big hugs,

  2. A very sweet line up of Wichtel dolls. They have such great faces. Good luck with the wig sales, I have a box full I don't need but no idea what sizes they are ! hugs x

    1. There are still two faces that I really like, but I think I am safe in saying five is enough as they are exclusive to Rosemarie and not available through Schildkrot.
      Oh boy! I fully understand your dilemma, it means trying them all on a range of dolls that you already know the heads size of, or measuring all their heads all first, then trying them al on. OMG! Come to think of it I'll probably have some of them too! 😮
      Big hugs,

  3. Wonderful dolls🥰. Their clothing is so realistic. I understand you. Sometimes it's necessary to sell something.

    1. Thank you Inesa. Yes, they are the only vinyl dolls that have kept their original clothes on, they don't use that dreaded Velcro either. The idea of selling is great, the thought of having to list everything is a pain in the butt! So far I've done nothing. 😣
      Big hugs,


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