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Just in Case

I didn't want you to think I've deserted you, I'm still here, just busy with other things. 

There comes a time in your life when you realise it's time to downsize your collection. Not just sending one off to allow you to buy a new one, but really cull them hard. It's always been difficult for me to see them fly off to new homes, even though I may not have "played" with them for a long time.

All my Blythe dolls went some time ago, along with the odd doll here and there. More recently, several of my Paola Reina Las Amigas have found new homes. So I thought it would be a good idea to make photo books of my different collections, before they all go. 

The three books I have done so far are all quite different. The first was "Tales from the Elvin Forest", which not only features photos of all my elves, it also includes all the stories I have written for them.

The second one, "Ball Jointed Dolls ~ Human Versions" features photos of the dolls by themselves detailing how I created their characters, as well as some which were used for their photostories.

The third, "1:6 Scale Interiors" features all the dolls which have been photographed inside my 1:6 scale roombox. It also has information about how the rooms themselves were designed and arranged.

Books don't take up as much room as dolls, nor do they take much time or effort to look after. At least now, if I ever have to go into aged care, I can take all my dolls with me!


  1. What a great way to remember your dolls, as well as all of your creative settings. Downsizing is just a part of life.

    1. I thought so Barb, and books are so much nicer to look at than photos on the computer. Yes, I guess everyone has to do it some time or other. Every year I tell myself this is the year to stop buying more dolls, but I always see another one that I just have to bring home. 🙄

  2. I am glad you are well and just have been busy. I know the feeling, but I couldn't bring myself to sell any of mine. But I guess I don't have as many as you. The books are lovely!

    1. I've been collecting for quite some time, and when you don't sell to replace they soon mount up. I have managed to sell some though, but not enough. Thank you Mia, I'm really glad I put the books together and have been working on a couple more.
      Big hugs,

  3. The books are such a fantastic idea! I'm almost running out of space for new dolls and figures, and yes, downsizing of the collection may be the must in few years...
    Lots of hugs!!

    1. Thank you Chiriann, they are easy and so much fun to make. I'm still working on the downsizing, but it takes time.
      Big hugs,

  4. Wow ! What a great idea ! Wish I'd thought of that! Although I do have photos of most of my dolls, so could maybe sort something out. Yes books take up so much less space and you still get to enjoy them.
    My problems is I'll sell them all then six months later see one and think , oh sje's nice and buy one which sets the ball rolling all over again! But this time I am determined to reduce and just stick to a couple of doll types.
    So good luck with the cull
    hugs Dee

    1. Thanks Dee. Still making more at present, but will eventually have them all done. Culling is still happening but it's slow going when I'm not motivated. I wish you luck with yours too!
      Big hugs,

  5. Hi Xanadu! I'm sorry, I've been terrible at keeping up your blogs. I have never sold a doll, but lately I've been considering selling some dolls that don't really speak to me anymore, even if it's just for a very low price on eBay. I love the books idea, it's a great way to keep the memories and a bit more special than just a bunch of photos saved on your computer.

    I hope you're doing well. Big hugs!

    1. No need to apologise MC. I've been pretty slack myself. If you no longer love them it's best to move them on and let someone else enjoy them. I agree, I'm much more inclined to look at a book than photos on the computer.
      Yep, I'm fine and hope you are too!
      Big hugs,

  6. I know I've been gone for a while, but I like to see what you and the other people I met have been doing from time to time. I feel you on the downsizing as I sold all my BJDs years ago, the only dolls I've kept are my momokos and pure neemos. Just the other day I was thinking onn framing a few photos I did of ym dolls and hang in my house as home decor, as I still love what I did with them when I had them, I just couldn't justify keeping them.
    I hope everything is well, love,

    1. A while??? You've been missing in action for far too long Alejandra and it's so nice to know you are still around. You know you could show your Momoko and Pure Neemo dolls on your blog. And I agree it's nice to have actual photos and having the as decor isn't a bad idea...don't forget to share pics when your done. 🤗
      Big hugs,


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