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Photography Experiments

I don't use Photoshop, purely because it's all very techo and far beyond my capabilities. However, I have found a way to enjoy playing around with photos.

Step 1: I took a photo using my phone, of my little Acorn (RealFee Soso) standing on my desk with a very uninteresting background.

Step 2: I used Remove Background to do just that, then saved the "png" image to my computer.

Step 3: I used Paint 3D to import a background which I had previously purchased from Etsy.

Step 4: I overlaid the "png" image of Acorn and cropped the photo to the size I wanted.

Step 5: I overlaid a further "png" image, which I had also purchased earlier, so it looks like Acorn is singing a tune.

This was fun and for an oldie like me, I think I've done a fair job of creating an interesting photo. What say you?


  1. I think it looks fantastic, Xanadu. You're probably better off not using any Adobe product, to be honest. Adobe has recently declared it has the right to dig through any of your Adobe files and take what it wants, to help train their AI, among other things.

    1. Thanks Barb, I've been having so much fun doing this. It's a good way for me to enjoy photography now that I cannot do what I used to, I mean if I got down low enough to take ground level photos IRL I'd never be able to get up again. πŸ˜‚

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks RM, I'm feeling quite happy with the result myself. 😁

  3. Magic :). It's fun to play around with AI, isn't it?

    1. Thank you Mia. Yes, I am really enjoying playing this way, there's so much you can do and you don't have to be a genius photographer to make something look better than what it was. 😘

  4. Great results! Who needs Photoshop, if you can get such pretty photos using other means? Plus, I'm sure it was fun πŸ˜‰

    1. Thanks Chiriann, I did have fun, there was absolutely no stress involved in doing it this way. 😘

  5. Replies
    1. He's outright cheeky too! I love his face and he fits in so well with all my other elves. 😘

  6. Great photo, still all sounds very technical to me! lol

    1. It's not Dee I promise you it's so easy, you should give it a try. At the very least you could try doing one, you'll surprise yourself. 😘

  7. Hi Xanadu! I think you did a fantastic job. I don't use Photoshop, but instead I use Gimp, which is a free software alternative, but it definitely has a learning curve. However, nowadays there's plenty of free to use alternatives that can help you achieve great results.
    It's been a while since I caught up with everyone here on the blogosphere, but I'm back and I'll try to be more active.

    1. Thanks MC. I did look at Gimp, but this is the easiest way that I have found. When I was younger, much younger, I'd tackle anything, but when you get to my age it's not as easy to understand all the new technology.
      Don't worry about it, we all take time out, I haven't been on here for 5 weeks myself. 😘


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