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Trip to the Dark Side

I don't know if anyone who collects BJD's will speak to me anymore after this post. Now you may be wondering what I mean by the Dark Side, well let me explain.

After being Pro Artist for so long, my curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to see for myself what these dolls that everyone complains about were really like. So I ordered four dolls from AliExpress and considering they look like Popovy dolls and were so cheap, I know full well, they must be recasts.

However, I must admit they are not as bad as I was expecting them to be, though their face-ups leave a lot to be desired. As it stands right now, they pose quite well and were certainly fun to dress, but who knows just how long their stringing will last.

No: 1

No: 2

The next two photos were taken after I changed their eyes, dressed and wigged them, then set them into new backgrounds using the same process I showed in a previous post.

No: 1


They are wearing handsewn non removable clothing, which I made using Lycra, Spandex & dance fabrics, and their ballet feet boots are wet look Lycra. Wigs are synthetic fur.

I'm still working on No's 2 and 4, but as I have to paint their tiny, tiny faces, they may be a little while before they are ready to be shown.

Just so you know, I am still Pro Artist and won't be venturing any further into the Dark Side of the dolly hobby, I've satisfied my curiosity.

That's all folks! 🤗


  1. That's the sad thing about recasts: a lot of 'em are perfectly good dolls in their own respect.

  2. Hi Xanadu. I'm not really into the BJD world, but I do see the issue with the recasts and dupes, as some of the BJD brands seem to be rather small brands. I do understand the curiosity of wanting to try something, even if it feels wrong, and sometimes we just need to satisfy that curiosity.
    I think that your dolls turned out very cute. I assume you're just going to leave them like that for display purposes and not play with them like you do with some of your other dolls.

    Have a nice week ahead.

  3. I don't like this and I don''t like that you're advertising their qualities. But I own some fake Blythe dolls (although I think there's a difference between handmade dolls and mass-produced ones), so who am I to criticize. We already have enough fighting in the world right now on matters of opinion.

  4. I have to admit to liking your backgrounds better than the dolls. It looks like you had fun dressing them though.

  5. Just the other day I was commenting to a friend about how the community dealt with recasts when they got popular, if we all took it differently maybe they wouldn't be as massive as they are now.
    I'm no longer into the BJD hobby anymore and I have no rights to judge anyone about anything.
    I hope you are enjoying them for what they are and have fun with them.
    I haven't checked BJDs in years, and, I'm impressed that recasts come with face-up now (and some are sold as full sets), so I'm glad I'm into cheaper dolls (even though they went up in price while I was gone and I'm too broke to shop around xD)

  6. Interesting experiment! Yup, even though I'm all against the recasts, I can understand your curiosity, because I'm feeling the same. I didn't purchase any (yet ;)), buuut, well, I see it happening one day. Yours turned out pretty cute, especially the last one!

  7. I know very little about BJD dolls and could easily land up with a fake without realising it. I don't have a problem with someone wanting to see what its all about with these fake dolls. It only if they sell them as 'real' dolls its an issue

  8. Beautiful doll and great clothes🥰👗 I have one BJD doll in my collection.


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