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About the Author

Hi, welcome to my world! My online name is Xanadu and I respond to comments with a hug'n'kiss.

I'm happily married, mother to Thomas, a collector of fancies and the author of Xanadu's Dolls. According to hubby, I'm slightly weird (he just doesn't understand the "doll thing"), with a warped sense of humour, and although I prefer to think of myself as an eccentric dreamer, with eclectic interests, I am happy with weird. :)

Since I was a child, I’ve enjoyed creating things with my hands. I love drawing, designing, sewing, knitting and building things. To be totally honest, I adore everything about making things! Now retired, with finally enough time to devote to doing what I enjoy, I spend much of it simply being creative.

There is something really satisfying about handling the textiles and raw materials which help me create. Turning them into something pretty for a doll to wear, or making an Elvin tree house, is a bit like being a fashion designer or master builder in miniature.

Initially I intended writing a blog to showcase my ball jointed dolls and the clothes they inspire me to make. However, after collecting some eighty odd BJD's, and inadvertently discovering play dolls, and then fashion dolls, the one blog has become several.

My blogs give me an opportunity share my projects, tutorials, photography, shopping finds, the odd poem or piece of art, photos of various fashion exhibitions that I attend with my daughter, as well as hours of endless chatter about dolls and other insignificant ramblings about things that make me happy.

Hopefully they will bring you joy too and you'll return again soon.


  1. Thanks for leaving a comment on my website. I thought I'd return the favor. It seems we have a lot in common! If you'd like to do some collaborating, I'm up for ideas. Feel free to contact me via email. The "Submit a Question" button on my site sends me an email.

    1. Thank you Chelly. I may just do that down the track.

  2. Hola Xanadú, tenemos muchas cosas en común, a mí también me encanta trabajar con mis manos, dibujar, tejer... el mundo de las muñecas es maravilloso para canalizar la creatividad.
    Creo que voy a disfrutar mucho contigo y tus muñecas.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Hola Ilona,
      Hay muchos lectores aquí que disfrutan de lo mismo y tienes tanta razón sobre la maravillosa creatividad. Yo también sigo tu blog.

  3. LOL, love your intro---I think we all must be a little 'wierd', grins. I'm new to dolls the last 5 years or so, when we built a dollhouse for our Grandgirl out of cobbled parts and new structure. Certainly love all your pretties, but I have put blinders on and stay within the Mattel lines except for an occasional wander. Super projects, I will join this blog, but probably wander into the others, definitely the Elfin world...Lovely! Sandi

    1. Thank you so much Sandi. Dolls bring us all together in a place where we can share and grow together. We don't all collect the same dolls and that's the bonus of blogging, we get to see lots of dolls which we otherwise would not.

  4. Hello hello
    Just wanted to say hi, long time no speak. Also thank you so much for the overlocker, I finally taught myself how to use it and love it so much. Makes the of sewing so much better. Xx

    1. Hello hello to you too Carol.
      Hope you will continue to drop by and catch up. I'm sorry you never continued with your blog you had so much to offer in the way of creativity.
      Glad you are getting some use from the overlocker.


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