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Witches Three

As far as the original hideous image of witches that we started this tale with . . . the cackling, old, ugly, hooked-nose ladies stirring their cauldron; it's probable that they never really existed except in the vivid imaginations of storytellers. Witches were often spoken of as being old and ugly because evil was considered to be ugly . . . therefore it made the story much more interesting to portray witches this way. The steaming cauldron almost always associated with witches, is more likely to have originated from the large pot in which potions were made by the early healers to cure the ailing.


Three young witches sat by a tree
and wished with all their might,
that ghouls and ghosts would not appear
on Hallows Eve, or any other night.

With hands entwined they closed their eyes,
softly chanting incantations
which called upon the fairies, to help rid
the world of evil infestations.

Two pumpkin cauldrons spattered 'n' popped,
they fizzed with utter delight,
 good omens departed swiftly on the wind,
crushing every wicked thing in sight.

When dawn broke in the early morn,
the witches smiled with glee,
with the fairies help they'd conquered all
and fulfilled their destiny.

© S.D.Smith


Happy Halloween!


  1. Thank you YeYe. My little white witches are the good witches, so they really have no option than to be pretty too! :) I was more than happy with the way this photo turned out . . . there were more than a few problems manipulating those legs so they would sit in the right position, but we got there in the end.
    Big hugs,

  2. Your girls all appear pretty happy with their latest hairdos, and the costumes are perfect. Lonnie looks a little frightened, but Paige seems like she can take care of all three of them.

    Dorothy: I've never heard of a beautiful witch before.
    Glinda: Only bad witches are ugly.

    1. Thank you so much Barb, I think they are happy now they've rid us of all the ghouls and ghosts. LOL! Lonnie seems to look that way no matter what I do with her, and Paige being the older cousin, can definitely hold her own. :)

      The good Witch of the South couldn't have said it better!
      Big hugs,

  3. Your little witches are definitely the cutest of all :)! And I'm sure that their wishes were fulfilled, and the spells worked perfectly. It would be impossible to say no to such faces ;)! Even destriny cannot be that cruel ;)

    1. Thank you Chiriann. I'm sure they were, we had no ghouls or ghosts at our house. :) I've been having so much fun with these three dolls, but it's time for a change now.
      Big hugs,

  4. A beautiful little trio of witches!

  5. Oh how lovely is this photo and poem, I really loved that!
    The sad thing is, in reality evil has many faces and that's why some people are taken in by it....
    Have a lovely week ahead Sandi xxx

    1. Thank you for your kind comments Sharon, I am so pleased you liked my poem. I really enjoy poetry, and I did try to make this little one fit with the photo. :)

      I agree with you there, one shouldn't always judge a book by it's cover, no matter how pretty or appealing it may be, it can evil inside . . . and sometimes the ones that look sad and unattractive, can often reaveal the most beauty. So I guess we all need to be a little cautious and look a little deeper.

      You to my dear. Big hugs,

  6. Sweet little witches! They look so beautiful!

  7. I love your three witches. They look like they could grant wishes instead of doling out curses! But I agree with you, I never understood this notion that witches were old and ugly and evil. I never thought all witches were evil, there were some who would have abused their powers but they weren't all like that in my mind, at least in my stories where I feature witches, they tended to be quite beautiful, angelic in appearance even and some were evil but some were good too and some were neutral.

    1. Oh they only curse against evil things Alasse, they are really good witches who protect the ill and feeble. I guess you could say they are my version of the Charmed Ones. :)
      Big hugs,


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