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Project: The Tailor's Shop (Pt.1)

I've been painting and assembling an Elvin door and window for my tailor's shop diorama. I purchased this as a flat pack from Alchemy Engraving and although I bought it to use with my Real Pukis, it's also a perfect size for my Puki Fees, which I see as a huge bonus.

The door actually opens, though if I had followed the instructions, it would not have done. I also had to make a small mod to the pieces used for the door hinges. They were made from the same MDF as the door itself and weren't very durable, so I used metal nuts which fitted into the hinge slot perfectly.

The door lock came with it, but there was nothing to actually use as a door handle. At first I thought I'd use a wooden bead, but then I found this brass thingamajig that goes inside a tap, amongst other brass bits in my little box of tricks. While looking for a handle, I also came across a bag of assorted keys, which I had completely forgotten I had in my stash, so I made a key ring from a jewellery finding and added three of the of the smaller keys. These will eventually hang on a hook inside the shop.

Next stage will involve making the actual diorama and coating the outside with something to make it look like tree bark, but that's down the track a bit, as I really need to do some sewing for Willowmenia before she arrives this coming week.

The IT dolls are desperate for appropriate 1920's clothing so they don't look out of place in The White Panther Jazz Club, like they do right now. I also need some garments to hang in Fleur & Ruben . . . my Paris boutique.

So many things to do, so little time . . . hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!


  1. Hello! that is one cute door! We have similar things at a hobby shop here, to build and often place near a floor, on a shelf or in a room corner - it looks like a home for tiny residents.
    Visited you other blogs, amazing projects - adore the Paris boutique.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks Niina. :) I think "fairy doors" are sold world wide, but this door is slightly bigger than the standard "fairy door" which I was really excited to find.
      I am so pleased you went browsing, it's not very often that people explore links included in a blog. Fleur & Ruben will eventually have stories to follow as well.
      Happy weekend to you too, big hugs,

  2. They look absolutely beautiful and I love your upgrades! The keys have a bit mysterious aura around them :). One may be for the shop, but what about others ;)? I cannot wait to see the whole diorama!

    1. Thank you Chiriann, I think the upgrades add a more personal touch to the door. Now I was wondering if someone would pick up on that, it's very perseptive of you.
      Big hugs,

  3. This door looks so neat. You're very creative with finding things to use that you have on hand. I wish I could think of stuff like that! I'm so excited to see your diorama.

    1. Thank you Alasse, I thank hubby for giving me all the funny brass and copper bits in my box of tricks. They were meant for another diorama . . . I had been thinking about doing a Steampunk style house some time back, but as usual I got caught up with other things.

      Just this morning I had a parcel delivered (yes on a SUNDAY) and the box is athe perfect size for me to make the tailor's shop. Now I need to find some paper clay or at least something similar that I can make the outside of the shop look like a tree.
      Big hugs,

  4. Love the door and the handle looks amazing. Also the little window!
    Have you deleted a post? My thingy said you had another post but can t find it

    1. Thanks Rachael. :) Sorry, no other post yet, just one that's incomplete, which I accidently published before I managed to pull it back to draft form. Sometimes the fingers work before the brain is in gear. LOL!
      Big hugs,

  5. Oh, qué bonita! Los dioramas son muy importantes para realzar la belleza y el protagonismo de las muñecas. Estoy deseando verlo terminado.

    1. Thank you so much Ilona, you are right and I really enjoy making them. :)
      Big hugs,

  6. That is so cute and perfectly made for your tinies, I look forward to seeing what you do with the rest of it. I love the little bunch of keys too, I have some tiny keys around here somewhere, I remember buying them with my little dolls in mind, putting them away in a 'safe place' and forgetting them! LOL!
    Have a lovely week ahead, Big hugs xxx

    1. It's larger than most fairy doors Sharon, and I was so lucky to find it, I'm really looking forward to finishing this little shop now. Gawd, you did exactly what I did with my keys, I only found them this time by chance. :) I seem to be forgetting what I already have more and more lately. I'm getting to the stage where I really need to check my stash before I order anything doll related.
      You too, big hugs,

  7. Yes, just like you said to Dolls Dolour, the fairy doors one can find easily are generally for much, much smaller fairies. I'll be interested in seeing dolls with this door, to get a better feel for its size.

    I also checked your other links, Xanadu. :) The picture of a boutique that you included is very much my style, although imagine having to have a roombox big enough for all of those hats!

    1. Have just posted a photo for you Barb. :)

      It would be nice to have that much room, but alas I don't so it will be a much smaller version and a fraction later in time. Hopefully it will turn out okay though. :)
      Big hugs,

  8. I love the door and the handle looks amazing. Also the little window is super cute :) Can't wait to see it on your diorama :)

    1. Thank you BB, I am having so much fun with this diorama. :)
      Big hugs,

  9. The door looks very cute. I can't wait to see the rest of the diorama. I can totally relate to having more ideas than time to execute them.

    Take care.

    1. Thanks MC, I'll be a little while working on this one, there's quite a bit to do, and I am anxious to see it finished myself. Sometimes I wish my brain would stay focused on one thing at a time, it would make life so much simpler. :)
      Big hugs,

  10. Thank you YeYe. I could not do what I want to do if it didn't, after all what's the point of having a door if it doesn't open? The elves would either be stuck inside . . . or outside in the weather. :)
    Big hugs,

  11. So many plans, so exciting! :) I can't wait to see all of them. :)


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