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Simple Blessings

I received a message from "UNKNOWN" today asking me about the author of this little poem, but unfortunately the author is also unknown, as is the one I share with you today.

Lord, grant me I pray ~
Courage when the best things fail me,
Calm and poise when storms assail me,
Commonsense when things perplex me,
Sense of humour when they vex me,
Hope when disappointments damp me,
Wider vision when life cramps me,
Kindness when folk need it badly,
Readiness to help them gladly,
And when effort seems in vain
Wisdom to begin again.

This poem made me think about my snail vine ~

Snail vines (Vigna caracalla) can reach up to 20 feet long in a single summer, making them an attractive and quick-growing option for fences, trellises and living privacy screens. These perennial vines produce ample foliage and have cream or purple blossoms that curl up like a snail shell. The vines flower from spring through summer.

Mine has been in my garden for many years. At the beginning of this year (mid summer in Australia) it was looking very old and parts of it's stem/trunk were rotting away. It didn't look at all healthy and my hubby thought it was time for us to pull it out and replace it with something else.

I loathed the thought, but to keep him happy, I pulled all the vine from the trellis and cut it right back to the ground. Now look how it has sprung back to life!

Nature is full of wonder and just as this vine has recovered to full bloom . . . so will we!
Keep the faith, stay strong and healthy.


  1. So beautiful! Poem and snail vines! And as you say, we will bounce back and be stronger after this.
    I know that there is a book that is called "The Westminster Collection of Christian Prayers" and maybe this poem or prayer is in this book?
    Big hugs! :)

    1. Thank you Niina. Perhaps so, I'm not sure where I found it originally, but I have it in my own book of inspirational poems.
      Big hugs,

  2. Hola Xanadú, qué maravilla poder disfrutar de un jardín. Yo vivo en un piso, y hace un tiempo que siento el deseo de tener algunas plantas. Necesito tener hojas verdes y flores en mi hogar :-)
    Es maravilloso cómo tu vid de caracol ha vuelto a la vida. La naturaleza no se detiene, y el mundo estará ahí fuera para cuando podamos salir a disfrutarlo. Mientras, vamos a seguir cuidando de nuestras familias y de nosotros mismos.
    Un fuerte abrazo.

    1. Hola Ilona, debe ser difícil vivir en un piso, cuando te gusta tener un jardín. ¿Tienes un balcón que puedes poner algunas ollas? Si lo hicieras, tal vez podrías cultivar algo como mi vid de caracol. Tiene la fragancia más hermosa también.

      Por favor, cuídate, sé que España ha sido muy durapor este virus y nuestros pensamientos y oraciones están con usted.
      Amor y grandes abrazos, X

  3. What a lovely and uplifting post Sandi, thank you for sharing the poem and the lovely vine. I love it when you cut back plants really severely and they grow back much more beautiful than they were previously. Plants can be very determined!
    Take good care of yourself and big hugs to you xxxx

    1. I'm pleased you enjoyed it Sharon. I think the least we can do for each other right now is to try and lift everyone's spirits the best we can and I was so inspired by my plant and how it bounced back so quickly.
      I hope you do too. Stay indoors as much as you can, after all we have a terrific network of dolly friends here to keep us occupied, none of us are alone.
      Big hugs,

  4. It is so nice to see flowers and plants spring back to life and be stronger. Cutting the vine was the best thing that could be done to it.
    Stay safe!

    1. You are so right PP, but honestly if you had seen how badly the stem/trunk had decayed you would understand how surprised I was that it bounced back so well.
      You stay safe too!
      Big hugs,

  5. Such a nice poem... I'm not sure, but I vaguely remember something like translation of it to Polish... But it may have been something different, not sure now. Still, it's always nice to read something so simple, yet so wise and deep. I love it, and your vine looks beautiful now!

    1. I would imagine there would be versions of this little poem in many languages Chiriann, if there isn't, there should be . . . it's very positive. :) Thank you!
      Big hugs,

  6. Tienes una vid de caracol preciosa, me alegro de que al podarla haya vuelto a crecer fuerte y bonita, y además dices que huele bien, pues que maravilla.

  7. Such a lovely metaphor and a beautiful vine! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Brenda, I hope it helped you feel better in some way.
      Big hugs,

  8. Thank you so much Linda, you are most welcome. Sometimes we all need nice verse to lift us up when we are feeling a little low, I know it does wonders for my spirit. :)
    I hope you and all my readers stay safe and healthy.
    Big hugs,

  9. It's a beautiful plant. I love climbing plants a lot except when they get way out of hand. Like the one that has covered the entire length of one side of my fence and is very very thick. I've asked the man to trim it back but he loves to live in the jungle feel.

    1. You would love this one Alasse, the perfume it exudes is absolutely gorgeous! It's growing just beyond our back door and I have to pass it every time I go outside. I'm so glad I didn't kill it, but it's going to have to compete for the trellis now as we planted a passion-fruit at the other end.
      You realise you are legal to trim your side if the plant bothers you, but wouldn't you rather see the plant than the fence? :)
      Big hugs,

    2. I'm going to have a take a photo of what the fence looks like for you! It's so out of control but you are right, it does give a bit more privacy in the backyard for me to hanker down and take photos of dollies without curious eyed neighbours.


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