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What is it with Blogger, do they get bored or something?? Do they not have something better to do? Why is there a need to continually change things all the time? Every time, when I'm just getting comfortable with Blogger and think to myself, "okay, things are finally running smoothly", they go and change the whole darn system AGAIN!

This is very annoying for this ol' duck!! I mean I am not stupid, and I can still figure out things, but who wants to be wasting good dolly time, learning how to use this b****y new system? Of course, you can bet your bottom dollar, this latest move of theirs, is most probably the reason for all the photos mysteriously disappearing from our blogs in recent weeks!

Does anyone else get as fed up with the constant changes as much as me? Blogger you are a pain in the butt!


  1. Another blogger was saying the same thing the other day about her photos disappearing from her blog too. What is the new upgrade? I honestly haven't noticed anything funky on my blog, other than when I upload photos, for the past 3-4 weeks, I've noticed that it lags sometimes or fails to upload my photo and I have to try it 2 or 3 times before it uploads. I thought that was weird as I never had problems before and it would upload pretty fast. My files aren't that big. I'm curious now what they changed. I wonder if it has anything to do with google wanting to compete with Zoom and develop something similar. I heard some rumour about that somewhere. Then again, I don't often go back to old posts unless I am looking for something specifically so maybe I just haven't noticed before I haven't looked at old posts?

    1. Hi Alasse,
      I have only had a couple, but others have had a lot. If you go check your editing you will find out. :) All the editing layouts have changed, I don't understand why they just won't leave well enough alone.
      Big hugs,

    2. Are you using the old or new blogger? There is an orange button asking me to "Try New Blogger" but I have never clicked on it as I like mine the way it is. Classic style.

    3. Ah I didn't know about that button Alasse, I didn't touch it, the whole thing was changed without my doing anything . . . but I've changed it back now! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Oh I am so relieved to have my Old Blogger back. :)

    4. No problem at all :-) Also I discovered if I upload in a different browser, I don't have as much of an issue. I am using Firefox at the moment but I've noticed I've been having problems with a few sites in this browser. Not sure what's changed.

  2. I totally agree with you. They are making simple things complicated for no good reasons.

    1. When these things happen, I am sure there are men behind it!! They love to make life complicated for no good reason. :) I guess we will have to bite the bullet or change our blogs over to Wordpress.
      Big hugs,

  3. We're in the same boat, Sandi. In the last days I've seen these stupid changes. I've just opened the window to write a new entry and it's terrible how everything looks. I'm afraid we'll have to get used to it... once again. I didn't know about the photos disappearing from blogs! At least I haven't noticed.

    Greetings ^^

    1. Well Lily, I guess I have some satisfaction in knowing it's not me going round the twist! At first I thought it was just my computer having a hiccup!! Then I realised that they have been up to their old tricks and have made changes just because they can. I am not impressed at all.
      Big hugs,

  4. Yes I did Linda, it was then I checked my photos and found a couple missing. But when editing yesterday, it was all up the creek!! I'm quite annoyed there was no warning.

    You must have been well and truly bummed by that experience, I know I would have been spitting chips! How do you find Wordpress, is it any easier than it used to be?
    Big hugs,

  5. I'm using blogger but mine looks different to yours Sandi....maybe I'm using on older version? I have no idea. I've not had photos go missing but I do have other 'quirks' that drive me nuts. The way that the font changes all the time even though I set it to what I want it to be soooo often, the way that it changes the line spacing automatically even though I've set it up otherwise. All things that really annoy me.
    I hate change for change's sake, as you say it's just so time wasting.
    Big hugs xxx

    1. Hi Sharon,
      It wasn't the blog that you see online, it was the way the behind the scenes editing was showing up, but Alasse pointed me in the right direction to change it back to the old classic blogger editing. I don't understand how it changed to the new blogger though, because I never changed it, unless blogger themselves did it. Who knows what they can do???
      I do know what you mean about the font changes though. I used to choose my fonts to ones I particularly liked, but I don't bother now, it's too much hassle.
      Glad you didn't have any of your photos go missing.
      Big hugs,

  6. Hi Xanadu. I did try the "new blogger" months ago, but then the only thing that changed was the statistics and something else. Now post editing features have changed and, to be honest, I don't like it either, it's very confusing. Not very "user friendly" to be honest. As far as I know, I haven't had any issues with my photos, but who knows?
    I hope you manage to sort out those problems. Take care.

    1. Hi MC. You can simply use the orange button at the bottom of the left hand column to change the editing back to the Classic Blogger if you don't like the new blogger.

      I have sorted mine out thanks to Alasse providing me with the information. :)
      Big hugs,

  7. I figure now I have changed back to the Classic Blogger, I'll just stick it out here, I'm not as adventurous as I used to be and much prefer my comfort zone. :)

  8. Oh well, sometimes I wonder if they sit there bored and just want to mess things up. Have been watching that "try new blogger" button, but not done anything about it. At the moment nothing has happened, so I hope that all things are okay with photos and so on my blog. So far it looks good. Darn changes. Well, well, better keep my eyes open. :) Hope you get yours sorted out! Hugs!

    1. Hahaha! I think you maybe right. Whatever you do don't press it Niina, you'll release a monster. :) I'm glad you've had no trouble, let's hope it stays that way.
      Big hugs,

  9. Well, there is that "if it's not broken, don't fix it"...They seem to do exactly the opposite.

    1. Yep you're so right Chiriann . . . at least it's fixed now.
      Big hugs,

  10. I was *so* fed up with this shit. The new thing messed my layout so badly, and I really didn't want to go fixing the code to make it work again. Agh!!

    1. Just switch back to the old classic version M, I think most of us have done that already.
      Big hugs,


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