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My Little Helper

Sometimes when you loose a pet it takes forever to overcome the loss, and in the past it has been that way for me. However, when we lost Thomas so suddenly, I found it extremely difficult to come to terms with the emptiness he left behind. The house was so quiet I couldn't stand it and so after finding our breeder had none for sale, I searched the internet for another little apricot poodle and this is who I found.


He was the right colour, but with a white chest and only a few weeks old. We went to meet him and fell in love immediately, though we had to wait a couple of weeks until he was old enough to bring him home. He was definitely worth waiting for.


We decided to call him Thomas too, because I knew if we called him something else, I would still find myself calling out "Thomas" when I wanted him to come, as my previous boy was still fresh in my mind.


Thomas has been at my side during my recuperation and helped me immensely. To be completely honest, I'm not sure if I would have done as well without him.


He has grown considerably since he arrived and has almost attained the same age as our first Thomas was when we got him, he'll be 5 months on 10th January. He has a gorgeous temperament, so affectionate and friendly to everyone he meets, dogs and people alike. He's a little bit bossy, but I don't mind that, it's to be expected of poodles.


A few days after his first grooming session he looked beautiful and so much like Thomas the first I could hardly believe my eyes. Whatever you may think, I feel in my heart this little boy was meant to come and live here with us.


  1. I'm glad that you're doing better now. Your new little guy is so adorable; I'm glad that he has been there to help you. I saw that you commented on my latest blog post, but for some reason, I can't see it on my blog. The shopping was pretty exhausting, but there are lots of places I like to go while I'm there, including a quality Bernina store.

    1. Thanks Barb. I'm pretty well back to what I call "normal" at least I know there's no cancer there now. Oh he's been such a comfort and constantly making me laugh at his antics. Don't worry if it's not showing on your blog it's a blogger hiccup for sure. I answered one of Linda's comments the other day, but her comment has disappeared. Ah shopping can be exhausting, but it's usually just the result of a well spent spree. LOL!
      Big hugs,

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, he's very pleased you think so. 😘

    2. Xanadu managed to post the translator on my blog. Hugs

  3. Unfortunately they don't stay fluffy puppies for long Linda, but he's a wonderful companion and I guess that's why they use dogs to help people in hospitals.

    I noticed all your earlier comments had disappeared and just put it down to you changing from WordPress back to Blogger. It does look like I'm talking to myself though. 🤣
    Big hugs,

  4. I hope this time my comment will not dissapear ;). I'm so, so, so happy that you found Thomas!! He's so cute and fluffy on the earlier photos and so handsome on the last one! And it's sooo good to know, that you are ok too... Lots pf warm hugs for you both!

    1. I hope not Chiriann, I don't understand why it happens so randomly. Me too, he's been a blessing. To me he looks a bit thin right after he's had a grooming session, but within a few of days his fur has grown a little and he looks quite cuddly. Thank you!
      Big hugs,

  5. Your Thomas the second looks adorable. I believe caring for a pet and get all the love and attention in return sure helps to get better, and I am glad you two found each other.

    1. Thank you Mia. I agree, it certainly worked for me and I am so glad we have him in our lives.
      Big hugs,

  6. Oh, look at Thomas the second. He looks so cute and I am glad that you found him and that he has given so much joy and support! Hugs!

    1. Yes Niina they do look very much alike, and we are over the moon with him. You would understand how much a dog can fill your life with happiness, being the proud owner of Bentley.
      Big hugs,


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