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Garden in Bloom

Autumn is such a pretty time of year in my garden, it would be perfect if it were not for all the leaves! We have three big deciduous trees in out front yard and right now we cannot keep up with all the raking. Hubby has got to the point of using the mower rather than the rake!

So here's some of my Azaleas in bloom ~

The tall shrub behind the Azalea is a Camellia, we have four of those, they are just beginning to flower, but they'll come into full flower a little later. 

The leaves that fall on the garden beds make great mulch and keep the moisture in our normally quite dry ground.

Don't ask me the names of the different varieties, I can't remember! I do know some of them have double flowers like the pretty pale pink one above.


  1. Your garden looks enchanting! Here Azaleas had a rough start because of few frosty mornings at the beginning of May...

    1. Thank you Chiriann. This year everything is doing surprisingly well in the garden, usually we have some plants that die . . . hubby and I try, but we are not very good gardeners. 😉

  2. It's weird, I was thinking about camellias this morning. They're important to southerners here in the States for some reason or another. Fall is a glorious time though, regardless of where one lives, but your garden is indeed lovely.

    1. I love Camellias, but sometimes I wish they would flower at a different time of year. The blooms are gorgeous, unfortunately as soon as the rain hits them they go brown.
      Thank you RM.

  3. Beautiful garden and wonderful flowers🌸🌸🌸

  4. Your flowers are beautiful. It must make for such a nice landscape. I remember raking lots of leaves when I was a kid. We'd end up with a pile about half a meter high and eighteen meters long.

    1. Thanks Barb, I choose them and hubby does all the hard work of planting. AND raking!

  5. Beautiful flowers. It's lovely when the garden starts coming back to life after the winter and you finally get some colour everywhere. Leaves are a pain but good for a mulch on the borders.

    1. Thanks Dee. We are just entering winter, but it's much colder than last year at the same time. However, it is nice to see the colour in the garden when I do venture out. Much prefer being inside by the fire.

  6. They are beautiful! I envy you for such bloom, mine doesn't really like the soil and nevver really explode with blossoms like yours

    1. It's just a pity the rain spoils the blooms though Mia. Still we enjoy them while they last. Try adding some Azalea food to the ground, it will help.


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