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Remember These

The books I ordered back at the end of July (27th to be exact) finally arrived yesterday, much to my relief. I never thought parcels would take so long to fly from USA to Australia, but I guess when they no longer fly direct and travel via Tokyo, Japan delays are to be expected, but six and a half weeks?

Also included was a little surprise, two 2019 dolly magazines, which I thought was a very kind gesture by my sender.

I shall enjoy reading these later, however, the first book I began to read in bed last night was "Tonner". It was interesting reading about him and his career and difficult for me to put down, but at Chapter 7, I fell asleep. :)

Mine are not the best photos I know, but they will give you an idea how well this book is illustrated with beautiful photos of Robert's early gowns when he was with Bill Blass and all the wonderful dolls he produced over the following years.


  1. Yay! They came! I'm a little jealous of the Rosemarie Ionker one.
    I got a pair of doll eyes in the mail today, that were posted on the 23rd of July!

    1. I haven't got to read that one yet Rachael, I'm reading the Helen Kish book now. I think mail is beginning to move again, albeit slowly. I have received several updates today which has put me in a better frame of mind. Glad you received your eyes, I bet you were pleased to see them at long last. :)
      Big hugs,

  2. Congrats! They look very inspiring for doll seamstresses, and the Halloween costume on the cover of your surprise gift comes just right in time- even if it took very long.

    1. Thanks Mia. Yes, there certainly is plenty of inspiration in all these books, though I haven't even begin to think about Halloween yet. :)
      Big hugs,

  3. Yay! Your books have arrived! It was such a nice detail from the seller to add something extra to the package, it makes you really feel like they care about the customer. The books seem really interesting, I hope you enjoy reading them.
    If it makes you feel better, once I ordered from a store in the UK and my parcel took around 5 weeks to arrive, even though the UK is not that far from Spain and back then we weren't in the middle of a pandemic.

    1. Little bonuses are indicative of good customer service and certainly make one feel appreciated MC. It's also good for encouraging repeat business and this lady would be my first go to for any books I may require in the future, she was so helpful. All the books are in as good as new condition and were all shrink wrapped. :)
      When I was ordering BJD's there was always a long wait, but that was for the dolls to be made, not for the shipping. But I do realise Covid is playing a large part in creating the delays, even though I still don't feel happy about any delays, I simply have to grin and bear it. GRRR!
      I bet you were'nt happy about waiting that long either.
      Big hugs,

  4. Congratulations! It's great that your books finaly arrived, plus some bonuses (I love bonuses :)). The one about Tonner must be fascinating, no wonder you couldn't stop reading - the illustrations are gorgeous! Hugs, hugs!

    1. Thank you Chiriann, I am so pleased to have them all. It was interesting reading about Robert Tonner and how his dolls evolved.
      Big hugs,

  5. Book about Tonner dolls - that's a book I will dream about right now!
    I'm very happy they finaly arrived to you. :)

    1. Hi Joanna, it's a book you need to purchase yourself. :) It's full of inspiration, and I just know you would love it.
      Thank you, big hugs,

  6. Oh I am happy you included photos of inside the books. I've been curious about this one in particular. Love seeing all those older Tonner dolls in there. Looks like you have a great reading pile there to get through! But yes I do agree about shipping times. I sent a parcel overseas recently and it's been over a month (Express Service) and it only recently arrived. Everything is just slow right now. Whether going outside of Australia or internally - I waited 2 weeks for a parcel to come from down south - first time actually so guess I've been lucky.

    1. They were just quick snaps Alasse, but I think they will give people an idea of how good the book really is. :) Yes, plenty of reading and so much inspiration, I could cope with two weeks, but it's not likely when all mine a currently coming from USA. We just have to grin an bear it.
      Big hugs,

  7. Hola Xanadu, qué bien que ya te hayan llegado, la espera ha sido larga pero por fin ya los tienes y ahora seguro que los disfrutas mucho, yo también he comprado un libro sobre muñecas hace unos meses y todavía no os lo he enseñado en el blog, a ver si preparo su entrada, ¿ Vas a hacer una entrada especial para cada uno de los libros? Estaría bien para que podamos verlos mejor.
    Un beso grande

    1. Gracias Maribel. Sin embargo, la espera valió la pena. Nunca pensé en mostrar fotos de todos ellos, pero quizás tengas razón, a otros les gustará ver el interior. :)
      Grandes abrazos,

  8. I'm glad that your books finally arrived safely. International mail is taking forever to get here too; it took over a month for some doll furniture from Russia to arrive here.

    As a finale to the Tonner 25th anniversary event, several models walked the runway in human-sized Tyler fashions, and I know at least one of them was a friend from his Bill Blass days.

    1. Thanks Barb. I know it's awful for everyone, but it makes me feel better when I have a good rant about it. LOL! Doll furniture . . . sounds interesting. :)

      You are so lucky to have attended that event, it must have been wonderful and something you'll remember for a lifetime. I wish I could have attended. I never actually saw any of Bill Blass "Blassport" clothing, but I do remember seeing his patterns in the sewing catalogues.
      Big hugs,

  9. Hello Sandi.
    So cool that your books have arrived! It's very kind from the seller to send extra magazines, more to enjoy! Thanks for sharing these photos, the illustrations are beautiful.
    Greetings ^^

    1. Thank you Lily. I've finished reading two of them, the other two are more for reference, not a great deal of reading needed. :)
      Big hugs,

  10. Me too Linda. I've finished it now, and I am so glad I splurged. :) I hope you do find one to order, it's definitely a great book to own with heaps of inspiration.
    Big hugs,

  11. Now you are prepared for some lazy evenings, reading all about fashion and dollies. Beautiful books and I am glad that they have arrived! Congrats!

    1. Thanks Niina, I've read them all now, lots of pictures!! They will be great books to keep for reference though. :)
      Big hugs,


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